Mental Health Organizations

American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists


California Board of Behavioral Sciences

National Institute of Mental Health

You can also call the Department of Mental Health Access Line (information on mental health services and emergency mental health services) at 800-854-7771. Or, dial 211 for resources and services.

Crisis Numbers

Abuse Reporting

Child Abuse Hotline.....................................800-540-4000

Adult Protective Services.........................….800-992-1660

Elder Abuse Hotline.....................................800-992-1660


Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

DV Sexual Assault Hotline (24 hour)......…...800-339-3940

Battered Women Hotline.............................…310-392-8381

Rape Hotline...........................................……626-793-3385

Domestic Abuse Center ..............................…818-772-0176

1736 Family Crisis Center/24-hr DV hotline..310-370-5902

National DV Hotline (…..800-799-SAFE (7223)


Runaway Shelters

National Runaway Switchboard.......................800-621-4000

Angels Flight.....................…800-833-2499 or 213-413-2311 

CASA Youth Shelter..........…800-914-2272 or 562-594-6825

Children of the Night...............................…….800-551-1300

Covenant House California......................….…323-461-3131

LA Youth Network..................................……..323-957-7757

1736 Family Crisis Center (10-17y/o)......……310-379-3620


Suicide Hotline

Suicide Prevention and Survivor Hotline (24 hours per day)

National Number..................................................988

Steven Monroe, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

CA license #92746 TX license #20413

. . . Helping individuals, couples, children, & families
